Thursday, July 2, 2009

Do What You Love to Do and Prosper

People are always asking me exactly what it is that I "do".

Sometimes it's hard for them to grasp that I am not out
there hustling all my friends trying to sell them a product
or get them to join me in my MLM.

Truth is, I never really enjoyed that part of the industry.

Sure, I could 'sell' just about anything and I was pretty darn
good at it. But honestly? I didn't like the pressure.

But you know what I've always enjoyed doing?

I've always loved helping other people build their business.

I'd have people from other teams within the corporation I was
with, calling me and asking me exactly what I was doing to
build my business and wanting to pick my brain.

No kidding.....they weren't even in my downline!

I didn't mind chatting with them, even though there was
no financial gain. For me, it was all about helping others
and after all, I believed it was the right thing to do.

Plus, some of these people have become great friends online!

So when I read the following excerpt from Joe Schroeder's book,
'The Narrative', I had to smile.

People often ask me,

"Joe, how will I ever know what I should do as a career?" or

"How am I suppose to know what I really should be doing as
far as work goes?"

It's simple: Whatever you're already doing for FREE is
what you love to do and should ultimately be what your
life's work should be.

I did MLM for over 15 years, on and off, before I ever made
anything over $10,000. At the time, mail-order was a
simple hobby for me and I bought over $2,000 in books
and courses, just to snoop around and see how the "rich" got
that way by using mail order.

Because it always intrigued me that if you KNEW HOW to
write a CERTAIN WAY, you could mail out letters and have
total STRANGERS, from all over the place, mailing you
$100 dollar bills!

I know, it's weird.

It's also a VERY profound way to make a good living!

Bottom line: I wrote for FREE for over three years. Just
'cuz I loved it and wanted to express myself. And I did NOT
have an "I gotta get rich" attitude. I was simply being me.

"Being on purpose", as Dr. Wayne Dyer would say.

I'd much rather live my life on purpose, wouldn't you?

Imagine being able to do something you LOVE to do
and not caring whether or not you get paid to do it.

Sure, the money is a great little perc. But, if you love
doing it, it really won't matter if you get paid or not.

It's not about the money, it's about the joy I'm able
to transfer to others and the transformation that takes
place within myself because giving becomes more
important than receiving.

Now that's what I call FUN!

Sabrina C.

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