Thursday, July 2, 2009

Do What You Love to Do and Prosper

People are always asking me exactly what it is that I "do".

Sometimes it's hard for them to grasp that I am not out
there hustling all my friends trying to sell them a product
or get them to join me in my MLM.

Truth is, I never really enjoyed that part of the industry.

Sure, I could 'sell' just about anything and I was pretty darn
good at it. But honestly? I didn't like the pressure.

But you know what I've always enjoyed doing?

I've always loved helping other people build their business.

I'd have people from other teams within the corporation I was
with, calling me and asking me exactly what I was doing to
build my business and wanting to pick my brain.

No kidding.....they weren't even in my downline!

I didn't mind chatting with them, even though there was
no financial gain. For me, it was all about helping others
and after all, I believed it was the right thing to do.

Plus, some of these people have become great friends online!

So when I read the following excerpt from Joe Schroeder's book,
'The Narrative', I had to smile.

People often ask me,

"Joe, how will I ever know what I should do as a career?" or

"How am I suppose to know what I really should be doing as
far as work goes?"

It's simple: Whatever you're already doing for FREE is
what you love to do and should ultimately be what your
life's work should be.

I did MLM for over 15 years, on and off, before I ever made
anything over $10,000. At the time, mail-order was a
simple hobby for me and I bought over $2,000 in books
and courses, just to snoop around and see how the "rich" got
that way by using mail order.

Because it always intrigued me that if you KNEW HOW to
write a CERTAIN WAY, you could mail out letters and have
total STRANGERS, from all over the place, mailing you
$100 dollar bills!

I know, it's weird.

It's also a VERY profound way to make a good living!

Bottom line: I wrote for FREE for over three years. Just
'cuz I loved it and wanted to express myself. And I did NOT
have an "I gotta get rich" attitude. I was simply being me.

"Being on purpose", as Dr. Wayne Dyer would say.

I'd much rather live my life on purpose, wouldn't you?

Imagine being able to do something you LOVE to do
and not caring whether or not you get paid to do it.

Sure, the money is a great little perc. But, if you love
doing it, it really won't matter if you get paid or not.

It's not about the money, it's about the joy I'm able
to transfer to others and the transformation that takes
place within myself because giving becomes more
important than receiving.

Now that's what I call FUN!

Sabrina C.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Three (3) Things the Average Working Joe is Asleep To

Day Job Bail-Out
by Joe Schroeder

pg 111 & 112

#1: Team Resources = More Money:

The average "working Joe", because he is oblivious to the truth,
believes that if he did saunter over to the land of entrepreneurship,
he would be all alone.

And partially because of this false conclusion,
he never sticks his toe in.

What the masses do not know is that there are entire communities
on the net who are all working together as one big fat resource of,
and to each other, who all share one common
"day job bail-out" ideal, who can help you.

Think of it this way,

"You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself."

So don't be shy, and there are clusters and clusters of good communities
and online "schools" where common everyday folks are achieving
totally uncommon financial goals.

#2: It Doesn't Get More American Than Being Your Own Boss!

To really make a difference, you have to be on the side of the fence
where change occurs. Not simply by sharing a higher ideal,
but where upon what you do directly adds economy and resources
back into the global financial system called capitalism.

Anyone can "get a job." Great. But look at what I have done.

I have taught many people how to be home bound self sufficient
entrepreneurs who then "paid it forward" and now, because of me
and my ideas, America is richer for it.

Join our movement!

The Million Mind March

Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

People who can't pay their car insurance premiums
are today exhausting this country.

And now people with the money have to pay higher premiums,
to make up for the weaker amongst us who are acting poor.


People like Michael Jordan and your employer, create jobs and
they create an increase in the net worth of this country.

Okay, so now it's your turn. What will you do?

Create more work and more income for America
or bilk us all with more unemployment?

"Sorry Sally. No tenth grade field trip for you to the
water park with the other kids at your school. Dad and Mom
are broke. Can't spare $250. Sorry kiddo."

#3. Oblivious to Automation + More Buffalo

What the average Joe is asleep about is how he could
transform his life with something as simple,
and yet so profound, as automation.

Henry Ford invented the first assembly line for automobiles
and an entire industry, not to mention new mobility, was born.

Now factor in the generational household employment value
Ford Motors created and I'd say that automation has a history for
some very serious wealth.

Then you have McDonalds. Ray Kroc stole a page out of Ford's idea
on automation and he created the first cookie cutter 1-2-3
system for dishing up Billions of burgers world-wide.

And didn't Tom Monaghan, who started Domino's Pizza,
do the same for pizza as Ford did for the car industry?

Why, yes he did.

Learn more about the Mechanics of Wealth by going to
The Million Mind March

and ordering your FREE Booklet + Report + CD

You pay the shipping.

We make nothing.....we're giving this away for free.

America, you can't afford to not get this info in your hands.

The Million Mind March

Sabrina Coffin sent you.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Get on the Ball in the Summer of 2009

Why Summer 2009 May Be The Most Critical Period In Your Business For The Next 10 Years-2 pm EST WED 641 594-7000 pin 600088# Be There!!!

Mobile post sent by sabrina0329 using Utterlireply-count Replies.  mp3

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wealthy People Stand Behind the Cash Register

Hi, there!!!

How has your week started out so far?

You know what they say,

"Time flies when you're having fun!"

By the way, who are "they" anyway? (wink)

Anyway, I'm just reading through

'The Narrative' by Joe Schroeder

and wanted to share another golden nugget

with you.

Here goes.....

Wealthy people stand behind the cash register.

The masses stand in front of it.

Which side have you been on?

What you argue get to keep.

People take their failure wherever they go.

Don't follow.

No one really has any 'FREE' time.

People have busy lives.

That's why successful people MAKE time.

People think it's important to keep

The "I won't quit" paradigm in their head.

That takes too much effort.

Just keep going and keep practicing

And you'll never find the time to quit.

The more responsibility you take on...

The richer you'll get. Use people

Like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates & Jay Leno

As examples.

How many people rely on them?

Be an accountable capitalist!

The 5 Skills All Great Networkers Have to Acquire

1) How to effectively get the products into the marketplace.
2) How to effectively bring people into your organization.
3) How to effectively train your future leaders.
4) How to have the patience for the ones that are slower.
5) How to have the patience to wait for your team to mature.


Good, good stuff!

You can find more great info like this

over at

and the recorded calls from The Million Mind March

over at

Hope you have a fantastic week and remember,

I'm always here if you need some direction.

Sabrina C.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Diane Hochman LIVE Tonight with M-3!

Need help with your MLM or Network Marketing Biz?

Join me every Monday and Tuesday night for a LIVE call!

9:27 pm EST

641-594-7000 pin 600088#

Meet you there!

Mobile post sent by sabrina0329 using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Are You SICK and TIRED of Watching Everyone Around You WIN While You Work Your Rear-End Off for Nothin'???

I wanted to share something incredible that I've just read in
'Day Job Bailout' by one of my mentors, Joe Schroeder.

Gold Nuggets!

I've been learning all about how ALL the large corporations
and basically ANY business that SURVIVES makes money.

McDonalds, Verizon, credit card companies, Madonna,
even your MLM is making money this way!


It's called 'The Funded Proposal' and if you aren't
familiar with it, you need to listen up.

Here's how Joe Explains 'The Magic Funnel' to kids so
they understand and never have to have jobs where people
can fire them. (wink)

Top of The Funnel

Have a lemonade stand and have FREE cool drinks for the neighbors.
This will attract a crowd and make them love you.
Plus the parents will leave their kids at the end of the street to help out.
Now you have free helpers serving ice-cold lemonade on a hot day.

Just Beneath the Top of Funnel and Going Down

Sell people their first cup of ice cold lemonade for .85 cents.
No one will have change, so just say, "Two cups for a buck."
Everyone will think you're a genius marketer and they'll all pay $1 dollar.

The Middle of The Funnel

Have Mom make brownies.
Before you hand people the lemonade say....
"Brownies are only $1 each."
Now people will 'upgrade' and buy two things from you.

Now the 3rd Sale

Hand the buyers a lolly-pop and say, "Thanks for stopping by."
As they return from shopping and drive by again, sell them again.

The Bottom of the Funnel and "Residual" Income

The day of the lemonade stand idea, ask Dad to set up
five different tables so each table is prepared
to sell lemonade and brownies.
Remember the kids that came over to help?
Put each one in business and take 50% of all sales.
Just have them scoot down and around the corner and down the block.


Sound familiar?

How Did Madonna Use the Funnel?

YOU heard Madonna for FREE on the radio + she started singing at clubs for free.

Sale #1 = Music CD for $14

Sale #2 = Music CD for $14

Sale #3 = $45 "Book" (blush) she published in 1994

Sale #4 = $200 Concert + T-Shirts

Publishing = Residual Income

Now, let's look at how the basketball giant
named Michael Jordan used the funnel!

YOU saw Michael Jordan on TV for FREE!

Sale #1 = Sneakers for $150 bucks

Sale #2 = More sneakers for $200

Sale #3 = His book for $28 and Cologne for $47.95

Sale #4 = $2,995 for his basketball camp

Jordan's Steak House = Residual Income about pulling a Houdini??? Wow!

Other people do everything. They sell his shoes, his suits,
his cologne, and even serve his fans $37 crab-cakes at
"Jordan's Steak House."

His residual derived through royalties from each of the above items.
Plus it all is set into masterful precision whereby everything is set
to pay him residually.

What I did, and YOU can too, is market multiple things
that ALL pay residually.

Joe Schroeder is the MASTER at The Funded Proposal.

His is the original teacher of this info and everyone else
who is going around teaching something similar GOT the info
from Joe Schroeder.

If you're SICK and TIRED of watching everyone else around
you WIN while you work your rear-end off making THEM
a buck, it's time to stand up and FIGHT!!

It all starts with a desire to learn and taking the time
to sit down and learn the system of the wealthy.

Yes, everyone who is wealthy is USING this system!

If you're in an MLM and YOU haven't earned $150-$200
on your new enrollments BEFORE they join you in your MLM,
you're missing the bigger piece of the pie.

Ask me how you can get your hands on
this INVALUABLE information that will make your
head spin.

We can start with free reports that shed light
on the truth!

Oh great, now I'm all riled up! (smiles)

I'm going to step out.

Give me a shout if you need me or have questions.

Always here for ya....

Have a great weekend!

Sabrina C.

Buy Day Job Bailout


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Set Free to Be Me

On May 17th, 2009, I buried the words, "I Can't".

What most people don't stop and realize is

that I buried so much more than the words, "I Can't".

Along with those words, I was able to bury

the woman I use to be,

the little girl who never felt she was good enough,

the child who never seemed to fit in with the crowd,

the teenager who hid during lunchtime

because she was too afraid she was going to be

beat up by the punks,

the wife who didn't feel validated,

the mother who wasn't respected,

the dark voice inside that only tore her down

and the woman who didn't feel she deserved

the absolute best that life has to offer.

Today is the beginning of a brand spankin'

new chapter in my life. A chapter that

reaps the rewards of a higher calling

full of blessings because I am whole and

I am able and willing to submit myself to

the One who called me to be larger than life

and to be a blessing to everyone around me.

A special thanks to everyone at The Million Mind March

who has so graciously loved me for who I am,

cheered me on and encouraged me to keep listening.

An extra special thanks to Joe Schroeder

for challenging me in a way that I have

never been challenged before.

My life is forever changed.

To become a part of a community that

will build you up and celebrate you for who you are

go to

FREE Community calls offered every

Monday and Tuesday NIGHT at

9:27 pm EST

641-594-7000 pin 600088#

You can come and just listen in,

take notes and see if this is something

that you enjoy as much as I have.

We don't sell products,

We change lives.

Sabrina C.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Have You Found What You're Looking For?

Bono is a man who is LIVING OUT his greatness.

He, without a shadow of doubt
reaches INTO the hearts and souls
of each of us and STIRS us up emotionally.

Just his mere presence is CAPTIVATING.

As Bono sings, beauty flows.

TRUTH is revealed.

A spiritual experience, if you will.

What kind of man can lead a crowd of this size
to a place where you can almost hear a pin drop?

What kind of man stands with such strength
and power and has such a massive following of fans that
listen intently to his every word?

Bono is a TRUE leader.

Bono has located his TRUE inner self

and he's NOT afraid to shine!

I believe we are ALL searching
to live out our purpose and
discover our call to greatness.

I believe we all secretly desire
to be celebrated, not just tolerated.

It's YOUR turn to SHINE!

You're invited to join me
every Monday and Tuesday night
where you will always be
to embrace the person you really are
and move forward fearlessly.

Join me over at The Million Mind March

OPEN CALLS every Monday and Tuesday

at 9:27 pm EST

641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

While everyone else is selling products
we are GIVING away the tools to change your life!

U2 Lyrics to 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'

I have climbed the highest mountains,
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you

I have run, I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for

I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire

I have spoke with the tongues of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for

I believe in the Kingdom Come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
But yes, I'm still running

You broke the bonds
And you loosed the chains
Carried the cross of my shame
Of my shame, you know I believe it

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for

But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Do Barnes and Noble, Playboy, Time Warner and Madonna ALL Have in Common?

What do Barnes and Noble, Playboy, Time Warner and myself do?

It's obvious and third grade simple, but only after someone

"lets you in" and shows you.

All we do is give you a low cost reason to

sit within our consumption cycle.

What's a consumption cycle?


Sears does it all the time.

They lead with a washer and dryer

in order to run you through their money cycle.

The purchase leads to an extended warranty

second purchase which leads to

partnership between you both

which includes a Sears credit card

where you get REAMED for 24% - 34% interest.

Easy peasy.

It's a system and YOU voluntarily participate

day in and day out

and YOU aren't even aware of it.

Silly, silly.

Did you know this???


There is a "formula" that ALL successful businesses

use, whether you are aware of it or not.

There is a "system" that bridges a consumer from

a retail "front-end", to a next and second and third purchase

and then converts that customer into a fan.

(think autoshipments, memberships and subscriptions)

These "fans" become your monthly partner who

you can earn from monthly via residual income.


With all this "eye-opening" info in mind,

let's take a sneak peak at Madonna.


You would say that Madonna sings like the dickens.

I'd agree, she's an icon and there's just

no denying her artistic ability.

But what gets unseen by the masses

is her severely genius business savvy;

on a genius level.

And you see, while most would say that Madonna's

business is a "singer," that is simply not true.

What Madonna is,

is a publisher and an author and

here's an insight for you.

Both of those professions are businesses

that pay royalties, and in monthly residual fashion.

Sure she sells millions of music CD's.

But that's NOT her business.

That's just a "hook" within her "sales funnel"

to get you to her second purchase,

which is her concerts.

AND her concerts are simply an excuse to sell

a third time whereupon you dig deep to buy her

$55 T-Shirts and $25 for her concert "brochure".

MAN this is good!!!

When all that is said and done,

that is all chump change for Madonna.

Just as the sales of my own audio CD albums

and my own training tapes are.

Because the bigger piece of my pie

are my seminar sales and my paid members community.

Yes, Madonna sells truck loads of her music CD's.

But her real money stems from publishing rights

both of her own music and of the people she publishes.


Residual Income!!!

Now toss in the new book every two years and once again,

the monthly checks keep-a-coming!

So here's the deal.

This is just a taste of what I've been learning with Joe Schroeder.

This information has truly revolutionized my thinking

and made my head spin.

No more guess work on HOW people are making

so darn much money while the little guy sits and watches by the wayside.

So silly when the info is right in front of our very own eyes.

You can get your feet wet

for a silly little $14.95 + $3.00 shipping

by ordering Chaos to Cash 2 CD Set

Pick Up Chaos to Cash


You can pickup your own personal copy of

Day Job Bail Out 151 pg Manual + 2 CD's

and get an even clearer perspective

on how this whole system works and

WHY YOU need to be using it!!!

PLUS......Just to sweeten the honey pot,

I'll throw in Chaos to Cash for FREE

when you purchase Day Job Bail Out!!


Day Job Bail Out AND Chaos to Cash for only $97.00 + shipping!


Order your personal copy of Day Job Bail Out!

See you on the other side!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Mystery and Secrets of Residual Income

The Mystery and Secrets of Residual Income

All day, everyday, lines form around little machines in
little stores that sell the idea of residual income,
better known as the lottery.

And how many lotto tickets did you buy and we
all know all too well, why does almost everybody
and their brother buy lotto tickets?

It's simple. Residual income.

Why? Because the game of the lottery works like this:

1. You actually want to be rich; what other excuse can
you offer for playing the lottery?
2. Why else would you stand in a line to buy a ticket?
3. It's because you dream of RESIDUAL income.
4. If you win the lottery, you get to collect monthly checks
of $25,000 to $100K.
5. Also, because the idea of collecting money for doing
basically nada, is a hoot.

That, plus the fact that most of the masses hate their jobs.
It's not that they hate work, it's that they have figured out
that they have become a pawn in a rich person's game.

You work and work hard.

You make just enough to eek out a living while the guys
and gals on top of the pyramidget rich. Really rich.

At your expense.

Using your wage slave sweat equity and, as we learned in
the stock-market mess, when the chips fall and the cookie crumbles,
you get a small little severance pay to tide you over for
half a year and the fat cats, who started the employment pyramid,
walk away from the game with Millions.

All true, and what hurts the most is you know that this is true.

So, the question now is simple, "What are you going to do about it?"

And especially now after I reveal a bail-out "system" that anyone
can participate in! Then you have to factor this in as well,
just how many good earning years do you have left?


Five? Ten? Twenty? Just how many good years of activity do
you have left in you and then we ask, will you work and invest
eight more hours a day for the rest of your life not knowing
if you will ever be allowed to retire or will you get mad,
get smart and become free?

Which is it?

Ponder this: It takes longer to remain "poor" and white collar
mortgage poor than it does
to become rich.

Think about it.

Who will work harder and work longer hours and more years?
The weak and the work-a-day for a check bunch,
or people on my side of the fence?

Just imagine if you could keep your job + make
an extra $5K to $10K per month!


The system isn't sexy.

The system isn't slick.

However, it works

and has stood the test of time.

Joe reveals exactly what it is that the wealthy

are doing to earn a very lucrative income.

From Madonna to Corporate America,

your eyes will be opened to the T-R-U-T-H.

Interest peaked?

You can get your feet wet for a

whopping $14.95 + $3.00 for shipping.

Chaos to Cash will give you a sneak peak

as to who we are and what we are all about.

You can purchase our booklet + 2 CD's

Click Here to Purchase Chaos to Cash


I have an offer for you. My GIFT.

If you want to purchase Day Job Bailout,

our 151pg Manual + Single Audio CD.....

I'll throw in Chaos to Cash as my gift to

you, absolutely Free.

Click Here to Purchase Day Job Bail-Out

Be sure to notify me personally so I can also send
you the Chaos to Cash for gift to you.

Information is key.

Learn how you can supplement your income

and become part of an environment that will

celebrate you in your success.

You're invited to join us over at

The Million Mind March.

Oh, and by the way!

We have a special call tonight with

the Million Mind March that you will want to listen to.

Top on by....we'd love to have you join us!

We meet every Monday and Tuesday....

at 9:27 pm EST

641-594-7000 pin 600088#

Let me know what you think!

It's free.

It's fun.

It's T-R-U-T-H!

See you there!

Sabrina C.


Feel free to send them my way.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Mystery of Environment

There was a girl. Her name was Lisa. At twelve she was classified as a nerd. She giggled a lot and was known as a good kid. Then something happened. Her parents got divorced.

Her parents were everywhere but home. Dad ran out and got a girlfriend and mom worked late and stopped by the local bar to drown her sorrow.

Now Lisa is all grown up. Well, almost.

She's sixteen now and comes home late. Sometimes her boyfriend "drops" her off at home at four and five in the morning. I know because that is when my own days start and, as I walk my dog, I see.

One day we needed sugar. So I jumped across the street and banged on the door. Guess what? Lisa answered the door. One of her male friends was wearing heavy mascara and a girl, sitting listening to very loud music, was smoking. Oh, and they had candles lit and lots of them.

Weird. At 3:45 AM? Where was mom? Something has happened to Lisa. She isn't even close to how she use to be.

Yeah, kids grow up and some kids smoke. But this was a totally different Lisa.

So what happened? I'll tell you what happened. Her environment changed. Because when circumstances changed, new people, new music, and new standards were allowed to walk in.

Now, let's talk about you. Just how bad do you want to break free? Tell me, just how bad?

Here is what I did. I drastically changed my environment. Big time. What and who I allowed to participate in my life, changed. Just as Lisa's life changed by association, I changed mine. I changed what I spend time doing, where I go, and I began associating with "big" people.

Folks who are doing more, earning more and who were, well, thinking more.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Work Your Love and Earn a Loving, Not a Living

Tolerated vs. Celebrated

Most people spend their entire lives in a work environment that only tolerates them. Rock-Stars and the super successful work and locate loverage that celebrates them. What's more, if you did what turned you on you wouldn't turn yourself off at 6:00 pm and shoot yourself in the foot, and go home to dinner. Why not earn 24/7?

Believe it or not, there are people like me who actually wake up early because life is not only a game that we devise, but because we get a thrill out of demonstrating what we love and were born to do.

Can you imagine the dire humiliation of pulling a ball-n-chain that only tolerated you? Yet millions sacrifice themselves for a job that at best, only puts up with them. Don't people value themselves more? Unfortunately, most do not.

Personally, I'd rather be broke than have money for selling myself out and being considered a 'joke' at some circus called work....a J.O.B. that I loathed and was enslaved to 40-60 hrs a week.

Now, I am not suggesting that anyone leave their jobs and throw caution to the wind and play willy-nilly and forgo their family's future - and security - and go join a "band" simply because you hate your job. No, not me.

What I am suggesting though, is that you work out a plan whereby, in two to three years, you won't still have to sell yourself out just to pay your rent.

Oprah, Bono and Obama get paid and are totally celebrated. So am I. You can too!

You can! Maybe not overnight. But you certainly can.

Don't tell me you can't do what you love and make $250,000 per year.

Guess what? Someone doing whatever it is you love, already got rip roaring rich
doing what you love and you ignored.

Now, what about you?

How much longer will you insist on ignoring yourself?

Sabrina C.
Where you WILL be celebrated, not just tolerated.

Wisdom for Millionaires

Take the dreamers out of the world and there would be no reason to study and stand in awe of our great American history. It is us, and people like us, the dreamers, who were the advancing guards of humanity.

If you removed us, who many have called "quacks" and pipe dreamers, we would also have to remove all of the refining machines and inventions that emancipated this world and turned drudgery into ease.

Thomas Edison was a dreamer, just as you are, and he saw decades into the future and as such, invented machines which compared with many of todays discoveries, seem small.

Over one hundred and fifty years ago, it was the persistence of dreamers who argued in Congress to allow for railroads, at a time when postal mail was being created. Many said that to build carrier railrods was insane.

Some in Congress called such a dream "impossible", ridiculous and a waste of money! Many thought it would be much more prudent to actually import and use camels to deliver the mail. As history reminds us, the dreamers won.

All great people are both practical and logical. They are usually considered odd ducks and dreamers at first. But it was the "dreamer" who was ahead of his contemporaries, by a quarter century, and who "saw" the hand-press whereby journalism was born. Then you had the dreamer who played with kites and attached a key to it and connected electricity to it.

"Can't be done" cries the man without imagination and those with an even lower caliber of intuition and dream, mutter under their breath, "He will fail." Yet time has proven, over and over again, that it is the dreamer who can see a civilization, yet to be, that the common man can not even begin to believe in.

You have a dream. This is why you are in this industry. You can see an elevated position in life for yourself. Know this....your dream does not mock you It's simply evidence that a "knowing" within you, of more life, is welled within you just as fire is nestled within every flint. You have within you a divine assignment. A birth right. A discovery to unleash. Just as Galileo did.

How else can you justify being here, right now?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Million Mind March

The Million Mind March is a focus society with a vision to inspire 1,000,000 fellow Soldiers of Prosperity to bury the words, "I can't". We are a unified movement of change and seek to deliver wisdom, reciprocity and abundance to all who would desire freedom and who share in the collective ideal of greatness.

You will be challenged to become a living, breathing and walking reward for at least 10,000 people.

We provide:

Open Weekly Freedom Revival Conference Calls
Live Wisdom School Seminars
Books and CD's
Private Calls with Joe Schroeder

The Million Mind March is not just a website or some internet community.

We seek to be an example to the entire world as to what ONE single idea of
servanthood can blossom into when pressed upon a few people.

I invite you to join us every Monday and Tuesday night

at 9:27 pm EST

641-594-7000 pin 600088#

Bring your notebook and walk away with some great wisdom to chew on!

Hang out for a while. Your life will never be the same!

The Acid Test

**DO YOU have a web-page with your PICTURE on it?
**DO YOU have a recording of yours that details why you joined?
**Why not, why not, why not,---WHY NOT??!!!
**Do you have an auto-responder set up with your coaching? Why not?
**Do you have a SYSTEM that gives evidence to your authentic, larger-than-life self?
**If not, get going!

If someone SOLD you out and made you BUY the idea that you are a follower and not a leader, try this, THEY LIED TO YOU!

Here's a tip.

If you are currently in a sales organization and it doesn't have a vocal and charismatic leader PUBLICLY raising peoples emotional I.Q.----above and beyond the products and the program itself, I'd start looking for a new home plate.


Because organizations DO NOT survive without TRIBAL LEADERS who publicly cheer on the cause and who also give visitors and its loyal warriors REASONS to remain!

**NO, it's not about having some Guru flash her check for $54,000 that she made with your program.

**NO, it's not having conference calls laced with a dozen people who used your program to go F/T in under 90 days.

Those kinds of tricks and old school "bait" are already being resisted online. That's because no matter how much money your program says people can make, in the end, people are looking for reasons to BELIEVE and belong, more than they are looking to get-rich quick.

Therefore to market into the money angle is short sided and as you may have already discovered---long term, that is not what works.

The Hunted vs. The Hunters

Clock punchers at work dart out of the door at five. They celebrate FRIDAYS, mock each other, tell dirty jokes and they are forever complaining about how overworked and underpaid they are.

Funny thing about the complainers. They complain because they can't even appreciate ALL that they ALREADY have. It's like they are blind and completely
"nobody is home" in regards to what they ALREADY have
versus all of the people with NO homes, no arms or legs or worse, people on deaths door.

Then there are people they work for.

On the other side of reality are the fat cats and
Alpha types. Those types make millions and don't see
a difference between play and work. No wonder the
people on top of the pyramid never punch out and they
work compulsively.

Here is the difference. Wealthy people become
wealthy by locating work that not only validates WHO they
really are, but the work they CHOOSE actually expresses more
of who they are born to become.

THIS is why they never gave up.

THIS is why the "average Joe" hates his job. Why? Because
he is expressing his bosses love, not his own. He is
working under another persons dream....NOT his own whereby
the fat cats LOCATE what they love and they CAN'T STOP doing it.

One works for a living.
One works for a loving.
One is wealthy.
One scrambles and uses THIS months money to pay last months rent.
ONE lives in the minds of other people and lives in their reality.
The other creates his or her OWN reality.

Isn't that what Bill Gates did?

Chaos to Cash

2 CD's and an Eye-Opening Booklet of Info

To order 'Chaos to Cash' for a silly little $17.95

just Click Here

and we'll pop it in the mail quick as lightning.

Day Job Bail Out

Wow! I just listened to one of the CDs from Day Job Bail Out and I'm THRILLED!


My EYES have been OPENED!

All the fragments of information I've learned over the years ushered together and my mouth dropped and I said...." I CAN DO THIS!"

I CAN and I WILL take the steps that are necessary to BUILD MYSELF UP!

I CAN and I WILL saturate myself in a community and culture that values CHARACTER, INTEGRITY and PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.

I CAN and I WILL be a BLESSING to everyone I come into contact with.

I CAN and I WILL refuse to allow the SELF DEFEATING THOUGHTS or the WORDS "I CAN'T" to brush my lips ever again.

This is WAR!

This is a BATTLE for FREEDOM!

The FREEDOM to DISCOVER who I was created to be and to WALK in the LIGHT of that FREEDOM!

Sabrina Coffin

The Garden Hose Analogy

I just got finished reading a fantastic book called, 'Day Job Bail-Out' and wanted to share this little analogy with you. I hope it opens your eyes and makes you look at your life and reason for existance in a new light. It certainly did for me!!!

The Garden Hose Analogy

Garden Hose

The Super Achiever and "Finisher" believes that everyone and everything is connected.
Think of yourself as a green garden hose and the world is flowing into you. Everything
you desire can only flow to you IF other people give it to you. Just Look:

** Other people have the money you want.
** Other people are, in fact, your "supply."
** Other people hold the keys to your future.
** Your house, your job, and your car, OTHER people were first in possession of.
** Other people are your future.
** To un-lock the people and the "Things", you simply "YES" them to you.

The game is to divide your intention and "Want" into your supply.
The game is to divide your desire into others where upon Your desire becomes Theirs.


What successful people do, is they walk around with their coiled up garden hoses
wrapped over their shoulders with the end of the garden hose in their hands; looking to
CONNECT their hoses into the garden hoses (think flow) into other people.

Yes Man


What most people do is they Pinch the hose and thus STOP the flow of people, ideas and
wealth from coming into their garden.

The more you say YES to people, the more "FLOW" comes into the hose.

Now for the rest of the story ... see 'Day Job Bail Out' Book.
It can't be picked up at any Barnes and Noble.
But you will find it here:

Interested in who we are?

Come check us out every

Monday and Tuesday evening at 9:27 pm EST.

Set your alarm, you WON'T want to miss this!!!

The Million Mind March FREEDOM REVIVAL Call!

Monday and Tuesday Nights....

at 9:27pm est


pin 600088#

Who am I?

Who are we?

Folks, I am PUMPED full and OVERFLOWING with NEW insight!

Your EYES will POP!

Your HEART will RACE!


Now, got on over the and join in on the fun!